The following documentation provides a detailed explanation of Corbado session management. If you already have a session management in place that you want to keep or want to use another session management solution, please check the ”Own session management” section.

After successful user authentication, Corbado creates a session. A session represents a logical connection between a user and the application, spanning multiple requests and responses.

Corbado employs a combination of technologies for its session management, ensuring a highly secure and user-friendly solution.

Short-term session (represented as JWT)

On the one hand, Corbado offers a short-term session, implemented through the usage of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). This short-term session (represented as JWT) is passed within your application and serves as a means to verify user authentication (refer to the Protecting routes section for more details). As implied by its name, the short-term session (represented as JWT) has a limited lifespan (configurable), ensuring enhanced security.

The technical name of the short-term session (represented as JWT) cookie is cbo_short_session.

Long-term session (represented as session ID with database entry)

On the other hand, Corbado provides a long-term session that utilizes an opaque string as a session ID. This session ID is associated with a corresponding entry in the Corbado database. The long-term session (represented as session ID with database entry) serves the purpose of refreshing the short-term session (represented as JWT) as needed (refer to the Refresh section for more details).

Both short-term session (represented as JWT) and long-term session (represented as session ID with database entry) are set as cookies (refer to the Cookie security section for more details).

The technical name of the long-term session (represented as session ID with database entry) cookie is cbo_long_session.


Implementing session management like this offers the following advantages:

  • Short-term sessions (represented as JWT) can be verified client-side in less than 1ms through standard JWT verification
  • Short-term sessions (represented as JWT) have the ability to carry additional user information through claims
  • Long-term sessions (represented as session ID with database entry) can be listed and inspected in the developer panel, providing a comprehensive overview of users currently logged in and the devices they are using
  • Long-term sessions (represented as session ID with database entry) can be revoked using the developer panel


Please refer to our security section for a comprehensive understanding of the security advantages offered by our session design.

Comparison to OAuth2

If you’re interested in understanding how Corbado compares to OAuth2, please refer to our OAuth2 comparison section.

Next, it is essential to protect your routes (both frontend and backend) by checking if a user is authenticated and take appropriate actions accordingly.